
Archive 2012-1

Written by Administrator. Posted in Archives pages


January - June 2012
Volume 9 | Issue 1

This journal has been online since Saturday, April 05, 2013

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  Electrocardiographic Patterns of Nigerian Professional Footballers in Gombe State
Okolie HI, Ajuluchukwu JNA, Oke DA, Ali-Gombe A, Mustapha SK, Saidu A, Bathnna S

Background: There has being increasing professional sport and also some report of sudden cardiac death among active footballers.

Objective: To determine the Electrocardiographic patterns among professional footballers, involved in the sport for more than 4 years.

Methodology: Thirty-four footballers were studied. They were all physically fit and without symptoms. They were age matched with non sportsmen as controls. Their constitutional and cardiovascular parameters were obtained with their Electrocardiographic studies. The study was carried out in 34 Professional Footballers in Gombe State, in active sport for more than four (4) years.

Results: The age range was from 20 to 38 years with mean age of 26.7 + 5.1 years. The mean duration of active sport participation was 8.2 + 2.4 years. Electrocardiographic abnormalities were present in 32 (94%) of Footballers and include the followings: Group 1(common and training-related ECG changes) were Sinus Bradycardia (44%), Sinus Arrhythmia (24%) Left Ventricular Hypertrophy by: Araoye's Code System (23.5%), Sokolow-Lyon (61.8%) and Romhilt-Estes Voltage (35.3%) while the Group 2(uncommon and training-unrelated ECG changes) were Right Axis Deviation and Left Axis Deviation were (6%) respectively, Left Atrial Enlargement (85%), First Degree Heart Block (6%) and Prolong QT interval (35.3%), Conclusion: Most of the ECG abnormalities remain that of common and training related ECG changes but significant footballers had uncommon and training unrelated ECG changes. We recommend continuing participation in competitive sport with further cardiovascular examination for those with group two changes.




  Determinants of Occupational Health Hazards among Roadside Automobile Mechanics in Zaria, North Western Nigeria
M.N. Sambo, S.H Idris, A Shamang

Background: In spite of the progress made so far, in occupational health and safety in Nigeria, it is reported that the level of mechanics' knowledge of the hazards of their occupation or of the existing legislation which should contribute to improving occupational health and safety practice is still low and thus predispose them to various types of occupational hazards.

Objectives: This study is aimed at identifying the determinants of occupational health hazards among road side automobile mechanics in Zaria and to determine the level of their knowledge and practice on the use of personal protective equipment.

Method: This is a cross sectional descriptive study to identify the pattern of occupational health hazard, knowledge and practice of safety measures amongst roadside automobile mechanics in Zaria using interviewer administered questionnaire.

Results: Out of the 200 respondents, 53.5% had secondary education, 29.5% had primary education while 3.5% were illiterate and 12.5% had informal education. Full time mechanics constituted 82%. Majority of the mechanics 44.5% were involved in general vehicle repairs, 26.5% were motor engine mechanics, 15% were auto electricians and 9% were welders. The commonest injuries were burns (86%), bruises (64.5%), crushed digits (62%) and cuts (59%). Forty nine percent (49%) had experienced low backaches, 15% had joint pains, and 7% had hernia. Eighty two percent (82%) were aware of protective devices. The commonest known safety devices were overalls (85%), boots (82.5%) and rubber gloves (80%) while the least known type of safety device was earmuff (25.5%) and barrier cream (3.5%). More than 3/4 (77.5%) were trained via apprenticeship and only 28% trained for more than 6 years. Majority (77.5%) worked 6–11 hours daily.

Conclusion: The study shows that training type, duration of training, years of experience and level of awareness of protective device are the major determinants of occupational hazards among roadside automobile mechanics in Zaria. Also there was high level of awareness but low usage of protective device among respondents. There is need for emphasis on health education through programs promoting work place safety among automobile workers




  Open Prostatectomy among Elderly Patients at The University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, North Eastern Nigeria  
A.G. Ibrahim, I. Hamid, B.S. Mohammed, S. Aliyu, N. Ali

Background: The elderly, 80 years and above are increasingly being seen in clinical practice presenting with benign prostatic hyperplasia more often late with high rate of complications at presentation, larger prostates, coupled with intercurrent medical conditions related to aging and in an environment lacking facilities and expertise for minimally invasive procedures.

Objectives: To review the presentation, management and outcome of open prostatectomy for benign prostatic hyperplasia in elderly patients 80years and above.

Materials and Method: Elderly patients 80-years and above that underwent open prostatectomy in the University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) between January 2001 and December 2010 were studied. Data were obtained from clinical notes and laboratory records and analysed.

Results: Sixty-two patients, aged 80 to 116 years were reviewed. Duration of symptoms ranged from 6 to 168 months with a mean of 25 months. Major symptoms at presentation were urinary frequency in 57 patients (91.9%), poor urinary stream in 55 (88.7%) and difficulty in passing urine in 39 (62.9%) while 30(48.4%) presented with acute retention. Complications at presentation were hernia in 19 (30.6%), urolithiasis 16 (25.8%), haemorrhoids 13 (21%), UTI and impaired renal function 12 (19.4%) each. Intercurrent medical conditions at presentation were hypertension / cardiomyopathy in 27 (43.5%), arthritis 13 (21%), Parkinsonism 8 (12.9%) and diabetes mellitus 6 (9.7%).

Conclusion: Open prostatectomy in the elderly despite late presentation, intercurrent medical conditions and larger prostates is still very safe with associated low morbidity and mortality provided patients are optimised.




  Histopathological/immunohistochemical Analysis of Cervical Adenocarcinomas seen in Jos University Teaching Hospital, Jos, Nigeria  

Silas O.A, Dauda M.A, Manasseh M.N, Echejoh G.O, Jonah M, Ekwempu C.C, Daru P.H, Ocheke A.N , Egbujo E.C

Background: The incidence of adenocarcinoma of the cervix is on the increase in many parts of the world. There is paucity of information regarding this in our setting.

Objective: To describe the histopathological pattern of cervical adenocarcinomas and to highlight the role of immunohistochemistry in diagnostic dilemmas. Method: This is a descriptive analysis of consecutive adenocarcinomas of the cervix as seen in the histopathology department of Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH), Jos over a six year period, between January 2005 and December 2010.

Result: Of the 240 cervical surgical specimens received over the period of study, 44 (18.3%) were cervical malignancies. Of these 13 (30%) were adenocarcinoma and 31(70.5%) squamous cell carcinoma. The percentages for the different histologic subtypes of the adenocarcinomas were, pure adenocarcinoma (53.8%), adenosquamous carcinoma (23.1%) small cell carcinoma (15.4%) and metastatic adenocarcinoma (7.7%).

Conclusion: Cervical adenocarcinomas constituted 30% of all cervical malignancies in JUTH, second only to squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix. Pure form of adenocarcinoma is the commonest type of adenocarcinoma while metastatic adenocarcinoma is the least common type. Immunohistochemistry to differentiate adenocarcinomas of primary cervical origin from metastases is valuable.

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  Chronic Non-Puerperal Uterine Inversion: A report of two cases  
SZ. Muhammad, SA Ibrahim and IA Yakasai

Inversion of the uterus is a rare clinical problem. Non puerperal inversion usually results from a tumour arising from the fundus of the uterus. The patient may present with heavy vaginal bleeding, discharge or pelvic pain. We report 2 cases of chronic non puerperal uterine inversion in a 38year old woman and a 54year old postmenopausal woman. Both presented with vaginal bleeding, a mass protruding from the vagina and lower abdominal pain. At first vaginal myomectomy was performed and subsequently Kustner procedure and then vaginal hysterectomy in both cases. Early diagnosis, immediate resuscitation and early replacement of the inverted uterus are important to prevent further complications


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Written by Administrator On Sunday, 24 March 2013 17:23
Prof MG Mustapha, 
Department of Paediatrics, University of Maiduguri and University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital. 
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Prof. Bukar Bakki -Chairman
Dr. Umar Loskurima - Vice Chairman

Dr. Kaka Mahdi Gazali Secretary

Dr. Nasir Garba Zango Assistant Secretary

Dr. Ali Maina Zubiru - Treasurer

Dr. Muhammad Abba Fugu - Financial Secretary

Dr. Abba M. Ibrahim - Social/Welfare Officer

Dr. Mukhtar Abubakar - Publicity Secretary

Prof. Modu Gofama Mustapha - Editor-in-chief

Dr. Ali Mohammed Ramat - Ex-officio I

Dr. Abdulhakeem M Ngulde - Ex-officio II



Dr. Babagana Usman Chairman
Dr. Abubakar Farouk - Vice Chairman

Dr. Mohammed A.S. Abdullahi Secretary

Dr. Abubakar Farate- Assistant Secretary

Dr. Aisha Abba Mohammed- Treasurer

Dr. Kefas M. Mbaya- Publicity Secretary

Prof. Modu Gofama Mustapha - Editor-in-chief

Dr. Hassan M. Dogo - Ex-officio I

Prof. Adamu Sadiq Abubakar - Ex-officio II

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