Abstract Objectives: To determine the prevalence of hyponatraemia inpatients with End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) in our centre.Methods; One hundred patients with CKD comprising 68 malesand 32 females were enrolled into the study. Patients'demographic data were compared with controls. Serum sampleswere taken for electrolytes, urea and creatinine, calcium,phosphate, total protein albumin and virology. Ultrasonographywas also done on all the patients.Results; 100 patients aged between 15 and 74yrs (mean±SD of35.29±14.17) and 57 controls aged 15 to 75yrs (mean±SD of39.9±13.58) were studied. There was no significant difference inthe ages of the patients and controls (p=0.79). The casescomprised 68 males and 32 females. Mean±SD age of males was41±13.27yrs and that of the females was 36.06±13.64yrs. Two(2%) of the study population had severe hyponatraemia withserum Na less than 120mmol/l, while 47 (47%) had mild tomoderate hyponatraemia with serum Na between 120-134mmol/l; in contrast to 49 (49%) who had normal serum Nabetween 135-145mm0l/l, and 2 (2%) who had hypernatraemawith serum Na greater than 145mmol/l.There is no age or sex predilection in the distribution ofhyponatraemia in the study group (p=0.854 and p=0.436,respectively).We conclude that there is no statistical difference in the serum Naconcentration among patients with CKD regardless of theaetiology and degree of renal dysfunction (p=0.076 and p=0.722).Hyponatremia is common among ESRD patients undergoinghaemodialysis and this problem should always be looked forbecause majority of patients with this condition areasymptomatic. Author Affiliations:Corresponding Author:Keywords: hyponatreamia end stage renal diseaseMaiduguriDepartment of Medicine,University of Maiduguri TeachingHospital, Maiduguri, Nigeria.DR IBRAHIM UMMATEDepartment of Medicine,University of Maiduguri TeachingHospital, PMB 1414, MaiduguriMobile; 08035138334, 08023552876E-mail; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.